
“Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate..” (John F Kennedy 1961). Contact CMCS for Negotiation Mediation, Negotiation Dispute Resolution and Negotiation Management.

Allow us to Negotiate for You

12479991negotiation.jpg“Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate..” (John F Kennedy 1961)

Carolyn Manning is an experienced and skilled negotiator and completed formal academic training as a negotiator as part of her Graduate Diploma in Conflict Resolution. She has conducted many negotiations over the years resulting in satisfactory outcomes for the parties concerned. Her negotiation experience has included financial settlements for two multi-national companies in the mining and prestige car industry, while working in cooperation with a Queens Counsel in one of these cases.

Alternative Dispute Resolution


Consulting Services

Consulting Services

Workplace Conflict Support

Dispute Resolution




Counselling and Coaching Services
